My Photography

I often take pictures for the purpose of turning my photos into drawings or paintings. Sometimes, though, a picture is a picture for its own sake only. These are photos I have taken with both purposes in mind, indicated as such in the caption.

UPDATE: REJECTED but when I went to pick it up, the man there told me it was beautiful, and”you just never know from year to year. ” I usually feel like a loser on Pick-up-your-reject-Day, but just those few small words made a difference to me. REMEBER: YOUR WORDS HAVE TREMENDOUS POWER!
Entered this into this year’s art show. Awaiting to find out if it was accepted…a photo for a photo’s sake. Though, Gram thought they were doilies…
I just like this
When I first got my camera, I saw what an incredible zoom it had on it compared to other cameras I’ve had. I was so excited to take my first picture of the moon with its craters!
another shot of the moon different day (obviously)
still waiting to be a painting
On a walk through Potato Hill Farm. Thought this was so cool.
photo for painting
taken in February 2021 on a nature walk in Glens Falls area. Meant to be a painting.
took in the same place as the “doilies”
Took my dog outside one winter morning, looked up and saw the heart in this tree next door. Will be an ink drawing one day. I was very inspired by this tree.
taken for a painting, but so far have been unsuccessful in creating such. This may be a photo for its own sake.
photo probably for photo’s sake Glimmerglass nature trail
photo for photo’s sake, though you never know
Meant to be a painting–a really big one. I think really big paintings have become intimidating, however…
meant to be a painting–Lorenzo House grounds in Cazenovia
meant to be a painting. Cazenovia
Same picture further away in perspective
same dock
photo taken for a painting which became “Closed for the Season” (see My Art page)
same covered bridge in Salisbury Center. Eventually want to combine this with the next one to make a drawing.
see above
taken for a painting, but not sure I could ever capture those colors–Green Lakes
also Green Lakes
same area as the Salisbury Center bridge
same day as Salisbury Center. Photo for photo’s sake I think, but again you never know.
same day–discovered while driving. But I mean, I DID pull over and get out of the car.
Took a bus trip with some friends in June 2022 to Sonnenberg Gardens. I took so many pictures, but these are my favorites.
learned a lot about birds during covid. Spent a lot of time in the quiet outside when everything closed down. Was so excited to see all these different birds at my feeder!
took for a a painting might combine with other pictures of flowers eventually

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